Camí dels Enamorats de Puigcerdà – Rigolisa

This is a very frequent route that is carried out mainly from the edges of the Puigcerdà lake. Its route, surrounded by trees and with good views of La Cerdanya, follows the network of Trails of Cerdanya and a section of the ditch that transports the water to the lake.

Camí dels Enamorats de Puigcerdà

Technical Data

Access: We head to Puigcerdà and head to Plaça d’en Dionís Puig, north of the lake.

Start: Plaça d’en Dionís Puig

Difficulty: Very easy.

Maximum altitude: 1,230 m

Slope: imperceptible

Total duration: From 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Time of year: All year round.

Notes: The length of this walk is 3.5 km if we take the direct route along the Paseo dels Enamorats, and 4.1 km if we take the Rigolisa detour. Recommended for the whole family, on foot or by bike.


Located in Plaça d’en Dionis Puig, in the north-eastern part of the Puigcerdà lake, we follow the signs on the Senders de Cerdanya signs that mark the direction of the Camí d’Ur (route 221). So, we take the direction of this road (north), and we leave to the right the building of Villa San Antonio, which is within the itinerary of the Ruiz Zafón Literary Route in Puigcerdà. We soon leave the last houses of the town and head towards the building of the Hospital Transfronterer de Cerdanya.

After this hospital, the views of the mountains to the north of La Cerdanya, Puigpedrós, Coll Roig, Pic dels Moros, etc., are spectacular. The paved road continues until it reaches a crossroads where we find the ditch and more signposts. In this place we have to turn right and take the route marked with the number 222, with the name of “El Camí dels Enamorats” (1.6 km). This route follows a section of the ditch and is very beautiful, especially in autumn, as it is completely surrounded by trees, which give it a very idyllic flair.

Halfway through the “camí dels Enamorats”, we can follow this path, or if we want, we can turn left to take another unpaved track, which takes us to the square where there’s the church of Sant Jaume de Rigolisa, with a neo-Gothic chapel consisting of three parts: a crypt under the presbytery, the chapel itself, and a square bell tower 17 m high.

We leave this place behind and take, to the west, a wide promenade, surrounded by populated areas, with a route that leads us again to the end of the “Camí dels Enamorats”, in this case, at the southern entrance. From here, we follow the “passeig de Rigolisa”, again with the ditch on our right and, protected by the wide structure of the wall that guarded the old prison of Puigcerdà. Then we arrive again at Ruiz Zafón Literary Route and the starting point.

Map and altimetry

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Camí dels Enamorats de Puigcerdà