
It is an 18th century building in which the apse and side chapels can be identified. On the west façade is the semicircular arched door with well-worked voussoirs. The central voussoir highlights the date 1773 with the cross of St. John in the center, which is also the date of the altarpiece inside. The façade is crowned by a two-eyed belfry. Behind which is the box to access the bells.

On the same façade there is a red marble plaque with the inscription: “PLAZA DE LA CONSTITUCION 18 † 21”. Which refers to the Constitution of Cádiz of 1812 “la Pepa”.

The nave has a rectangular floor plan covered by a barrel vault supported by pillars attached to the wall from which semicircular diaphragm arches start.

To the west of the nave is a small wooden choir where we find a copy of “Manufacturas Blasco de Relojes Públicos” from Roquetas, Tortosa.

The apse is occupied by the Baroque altarpiece from 1773, a survivor of the 1936 destruction. It is made of polychrome wood with ornaments decorated with gold leaf. It is dedicated to St. John the Baptist and reproduces four scenes from the New Testament related to the life of the saint.

On the wall of the SE façade there is a large sundial.

Virtual tour
Sant Joan Baptista
Descriptive audio of the church

Listen to the phrase to know what the church of Sant Baptista de Riu de Cerdanya is like.


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