Estany de Lanós

The largest body of water in La Cerdanya, Lake Lanós, is located in an idyllic setting and is surrounded by a multitude of spectacular mountains. At the same time, this lake is one of the most used starting points for touring the Carlit.

Technical Data

Access: Following the N-20 towards the Pimorent pass, we pass the villages of Tor de Querol and Porta. When we get to Porté we have to take a detour to the right with some signs that indicate: Carlit. We continue along the paved track to the car park located just above the dam of the Passet lake.

Start: Passet lake car park.

Difficulty: Easy.

Maximum altitude: 2,213 m

Elevation gain: 508 m

Total duration: 3.15 h (1.45 h one way + 1.30 h return).

Time of year: All year round.

Notes: The climb to Lanós is not difficult during the summer months, but we must pay attention to the winter if we go there when there is fresh snow as, from the curve under the cables of the ski lift , avalanches often form. Better not go under these conditions.


In the Passet car park (1,705 m) next to the signs on the left, we see the path that climbs between provence broom bushes and some black pines. We take this path, very marked and, following its loops, we gain height. After a few minutes we find, on the left, the path that comes from the N-20 that goes up to the “Coll de Pimorent” (pass). We, however, continue to the right and patiently ascend the southern slope of the Font Viva mountain range, always surrounded by provence brooms.

When we reach the cables of the old cable car (50 min), we see the Font Viva lake sunk to the right. From here the road flattens, passes through a slightly shady buttress and turns definitively to the left, heading north. We soon cross a small stream and we can already see, at the bottom of the valley, the magnitude of the spectacular Lanós dam.

We continue along the so-called Camí dels Enginyers, a kind of balcony hanging to the left of the valley. The white and red marks of the GR 7 guide us in a clear direction towards the dam. We have to follow the route of this path, practically flat, for a while. As we approach the reservoir, the path crosses a small wooden bridge that saves the waters of the Lanós irrigation canal. Continuing in a northerly direction, we leave the path on the right that would take us to the Carlit and continue along a grassy landing, where a path climbs to the left of the reservoir. In this way we get to touch the lake.

Estany de Lanós (2,213 m, 1.45 h). Breathtaking place. The immense mass of water seems to have no end. We can see, on the right, the Puig de Comad’Or and the silhouette of the Puigpedrós de Lanós. To the east, the peak of Castell Isard and, of course, the majestic silhouette of the Carlit stand out clearly, which clearly shows its hegemony towards the rest of the mountains.

Map and altimetry

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Estany de Lanós