Xavi Llongueras, Mountain Guide (IFMGA: International Federation of Mountain Guide Associations)

Guiding through mountains since 1998!
Xavi works as a skimo guide in the Pyrenees, the Alps, Norway, or the Caucasus among other places. He has spent several seasons in the southern hemisphere summer, working as a guide for the Chilean agencies "Azimut 360" and "Chilemontaña", guiding clients through Patagonia and up to the highest peak in America, the Aconcagua.
Since 1998 he has been guiding people around the globe as self-employed. He has been part of several expeditions to the Andes in South America, the Himalayas, the Karakorum and the Hindu Kush in Asia.
His travels include the second Himalayan mountain bike crossing in 1987; MTB downhill from the top of the Ararat of 5,165 meters high in Turkey in 1989; the solo clim of the Huayna Potosí or its 7 climbs to the top of the Aconcagua, to the Mt. Kenya, Elbrus, Ararat or Chimborazo as a guide among others.
Come to La Cerdanya for skimo, climbing, hiking or trekking, and let yourself be guided by the right path!

Address: C. Rodeig, 1

Town: Prullans

Phone: 676 510 655

Web: https://www.guiallongueras.com

Email: guia@xavillongueras.com

Other activities we offer:

Climbing Adventure, Mountain Skiing, Mountain guides