Prat de Cadí

Walking to Prat de Cadí has today become one of the favorite activities for tourists coming to La Cerdanya. The truth is that this is a very grateful little excursion that takes you to one of the most beautiful and spectacular places in La Cerdanya and the Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park.

Technical Data

Access: from Martinet we take the LV-4055 road towards Montellà, but shortly after we leave it on the right and we take another narrow road that comes out to cross the Bastanist River. We also leave on the left the Bastanist road and on the right the Béixec road. 100 m. before to arrive to Estana, in summer and Easter months, there is a parking on the left side. From there it takes a walk for about 500 m. to Coll de Pallers, passing through Estana.


Start: Pallers col

Difficulty: easy

Elevation: 1.820m

Difference in level: 330m

Total duration: 1.45h (1h ascent + 45 min descent)

Best seasons to climb: spring, summer and autumn.


Observations: in low season it’s possible to drive to Col de Pallers, along a short and narrow track until a space to leave the car. In depth of winter and with snow, it may not be accessible.


At the Coll de Pallers (1,490 m), leave the GR 150 on the right – go to the Querforadat – and take the PR C-121 to the south, indicated by white and red stripes. First you go along a track and immediately take a path on the right that climbs some meadows. Then enter a red pine forest with boxwoods. Further up it runs along the ridge of the buttress that forms the Mataplana mountain range and is the Reineres pass, at the entrance of which there is a wooden gate.

The path passes on the slope of the Quer valley and takes over to the right of the Vulturó, the highest peak of the Cadí. The limestone north wall of this mountain range can already be seen in a large part of its extension.

Once you reach the Collet Roig (1,700 m, 45 min) the path becomes flat and crosses a slope, again in the Batsanist valley, rich in vegetation: black pines with firs, whitebeams, birches and alpenroses. It connects with a track and reaches Prat de Cadí (1,820 m, 1 h), a magnificent place north of the Cadí. In front, between the Verda and Ordiguer rocks, the Cristall canal stands out, where in fact the PR C-121 goes, to the neck of the Canal del Cristall, on the ridge of the Cadí. This ascent, however, is only recommended for hikers with some experience in high mountains. At the southern end of the meadow is the Pine spring, next to some drinking troughs for livestock.

Map and altimetry

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Prat de Cadí